Gov. Kemp unveils rental assistance plan worth half a billion dollars

ATLANTA — Gov. Brian Kemp announced that the state had received more than $552 million in stimulus funds through the federal Emergency Rental Assistance program. This was part of the $25 billion relief provided to landlords and tenants by Congress, to help both tenants and landlords who are behind on rent and utility payments due to the pandemic.

“The effects of COVID-19 have hit many Georgians hard financially,” Kemp said.

The relief is aimed at helping people protect their most basic needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.


“In addition to protecting lives, we have to protect livelihoods so that Georgians can continue to have economic opportunity. I am pleased to be able to provide this rental relief to renters and landlords who have been impacted the most,” Kemp said.

The Department of Community Affairs will run the State of Georgia Rental Assistance program. Payments will be made directly to the landlords and utility providers.

In order to qualify for the program, you must meet the following guidelines:

  • Qualified for unemployment benefits or have experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship due directly or indirectly to COVID-19.
  • Demonstrates a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability.
  • Have a household income at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI), with priority given to: 1) households below 50% of the AMI, or 2) households with one or more individuals who have been unemployed 90 days or longer at the time of application.

The current eviction moratorium issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been extended until March 31.

DCA anticipates launching the public application portal in March, and additional program details will be available soon. For more information, please visit

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