Young grandson of Oconee Co deputy who died in the line of duty is out of the hospital

The 8-year-old grandson of a Georgia deputy who was killed in the line of duty has been discharged from the hospital 125 days after being hospitalized for a sudden illness.

Hendrix David Avery, who is the grandson of the late Deputy David Gilstrap, was hospitalized in critical condition on Dec. 16 after a series of medical emergencies. He’s since had multiple surgeries, had his left leg partially amputated, and has suffered from pneumonia, kidney failure, C-DIFFtoxic megacolon, sepsis, COVID-19, cardiac arrest and seizures.

His grandfather, Gilstrap, was an Oconee County deputy who was killed in the line of duty after being hit by a car in 2008.

Earlier this week, Hendrix’s family announced on social media that after a hard-fought battle, he has finally been discharged from Children’s Hospital of Georgia in Augusta.

He will now be transferred to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta to begin his rehabilitation and learn to walk on a prosthetic leg.

Hendrix and his mother, Mandi Jo, will move to Atlanta for the next four to six months.

“Hendrix has been a busy bee moving mountains, beating all odds and making friends,” family members wrote on Instagram. “In true miracle form, Hendrix was deemed ‘dischargeable’!”

Hendrix will turn nine next month on May 19th while he’s at Children’s.

“Be on the lookout for his address in Atlanta to shower him with Birthday wishes,” family members wrote.

The community has raised nearly $40,000 for Hendrix’s recovery and medical expenses.