Labor Dept reports increase in Athens unemployment

The state Labor Department reports an uptick in the Athens unemployment rate: it was 3 percent in November but climbed to 3.4 percent in December. Labor Commissioner Mark Butler (pictured above) says there was also in Clarke, Oconee, Oglethorpe, and Madison counties a 25 percent increase in claims for first-time unemployment benefits.

The labor force in Athens fell by 1,988 in December to reach 103,672. That number is up by 2,701 over the past year – an average monthly increase of 225.

Athens lost 2,353 employed residents in December, pushing the total to 100,137. The number is up 3,150 for the year, or about 265 per month.

Claims for unemployment insurance increased by 25 percent in December. They were up by 10 percent when compared to the same month a year ago.

Jobs fell by 2,100 in December 101,200. The job total in Athens is up 3,800 over the year – an average monthly increase of almost 315.