Man accused of selling stolen cars for scrap metal

A Hall County man is arrested and accused of selling stolen cars for scrap metal. The Hall County Sheriff’s Office says 36 year-old Arthur Wilson was arrested at a home on Candler Road. Investigators say Wilson took five stolen cars to a local metal recycling business in February and march, claiming to own the automobiles and selling them for cash. He’s also facing drug charges, caught with what Hall County Sheriff’s deputies say was methamphetamine.

A man and woman are arrested and booked into the Hall County jail on burglary charges: the Hall County Sheriff's Office says 64 year-old Jerry Jones and 24 year-old Alexis Gable broke into a home in Buford. They're facing charges that include burglary and theft by taking. 

A South Carolina man faces armed robbery charges in Gainesville: 44 year-old Damian Carter is in the Hall County jail, accused of using a gun to steal a woman's purse in August of 2017.