Stormy weather threat today

“Please be weather aware.”

That's the advice from Channel 2 Action News meteorologist Katie Walls as Monday's forecast for metro Atlanta sees a threat of severe storms, possibly including large hail, damaging wind gusts and isolated tornadoes.

There is a 100 percent chance of showers and storms, according to the Severe Weather Team 2 forecast.

Luckily, Walls said, any showers metro Atlanta gets Monday morning won’t be severe. So wet roadways could be problematic for this morning, but the more troublesome conditions could arrive during the evening commute, she said.

Scattered rain was expected to build overnight Sunday and during the Monday morning commute, Walls said.

“The severe threat arrives Monday afternoon and continues through Monday night,” Walls said.

The possibility of hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes made the case for Walls’ succinct warning for metro residents.