UGA: no pollen relief in sight

Most of us will consider this bad news, and it comes from researchers at the University of Georgia: UGA climatologists say there are no signs of any near-future relief for the pollen season that began earlier than normal this year and has seen especially high pollen counts. 

From University of Georgia climatologist Pam Knox…

– Pollen counts have been high this spring, and those who suffer from seasonal allergies will see little relief in the coming days, according to Pam Knox, an agricultural climatologist at the University of Georgia. Below, she shares some of her thoughts on the current season as well as tips to minimize exposure to pollen.

How bad is this pollen season compared with previous seasons?

Are there any indications of how long pollen will linger or if we’ll catch a break?

“Friday, April 5 was the highest pollen count in Atlanta in six years. It has come down somewhat from then but is still considered high. This year the pollen started out earlier than usual, with some pollen being recorded in January, but the bulk of the pollen has been a little later than the past three years, probably due to the cooler winter.”

“Pollen forecasts for the next five days are for high pollen levels to continue. They tend to drop after rain, especially if we get quite a bit of it, so after this weekend’s frontal passage we may see some relief. But with so many things blooming it’s not going away any time soon, the mix of species will just change.”

Are there areas of Georgia where things might be worse?

“Generally, down south they start blooming earlier than we do, so they were worse earlier. They have been pretty dry for the last month, so there has been nothing to wash it out of the atmosphere, which probably does not help.”

Do you have any tips for allergy sufferers, especially how they might minimize their exposure to potential irritants?

“In advance of the season, you can get shots to help your body adapt to the exposure to pollen. Once it starts, you need to try to minimize your exposure by keeping doors and windows closed, taking off shoes and jackets at the door to your house, making sure outdoor pets like dogs do not bring in too much pollen. I am sure a good air filter also helps.”